My own life and career-path.

I was born on the 15th of October 1984 in Seoul, South-Korea.

As a 10 months old baby I was adopted by a Dutch family.

My youth I spend in a little village located in the north of The Netherlands.

My middle-school I spent in a town closeby called Drachten.

After middle-school I studied the Bachelor Marketing & Sales at the Hanzehogeschool in Groningen.

In the second year I decided to move to Amsterdam and continued my studies there.

In the third year of my studies I followed an internship in Beijing, China for half a year and in the fourth year I lived on the country-side of Kenya for half a year to do my graduation-thesis:

"How to increase the sales of crops of the farmers of the Naro-Moru region?"

My first fulltime job was with the "Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs" (DUO) in Groningen. A Dutch-government organization within the Ministry of Education.

After 2,5 years I chose to study again and move again back to Amsterdam.

This time I did a pre-master in Philosophy and after succeeding a Master in "Philosophy of Management & Organizations at the VU University of Amsterdam.

After my master-studies I started my career as a recruiter.

Working with people was my core-motivation. I had already quite some experience in commerce, so combining working with people and sales sounded for me like the ideal job.

And this was right. Recruitment was 100% match.

Quickly I became succesful as an IT-recruiter at Spilberg Development (Vibe Group) and helped many software-developers with new jobs in the Amsterdam-region.

After 1,5 years at Spilberg Development I got the offer to set up and lead a new recruitment-brand called Eswelt.

Eswelt was focused on ERP & CRM professionals.

I successfully managed the company and the team for another 1,5 years.

"We live in chaotic times, but also a time of transition. Although the future might be unknown. Every change creates new perspectives, new possibilities and new jobs."

- Roelof de Vries


About me.

For me coaching and recruitment means "passion for people".

And where you work with people this automatically implies connection, openness and equality.

For this reason it is important also as a coach and recruiter to be open and get personal myself.

I am just as human as everybody else, including the people I work with.

My passion for recruitment and coaching is a result of my deep interest in human beings and their strive for personal-development. To reach their full potential and the quest for answers on questions like:

- What is the purpose of life?
- What bring us happiness?
- What motivates us?
- What makes us unhappy and how can we prevent this?

The combination of coaching and recruitment makes sure that everyday I am able to work with these big questions of life and sometimes get a glimpse of the possible answers.

Curriculum Vitae.

The most important points from my CV.


09/2011 – 12/2013 - Master Philosophy of Management and Organization (fulltime) at the VU University of Amsterdam.

From the 09/2011 - 08/2012 - Pre-master “Philosophy” of 60 ects.

02/2008 – 05/2009 - Bachelor Marketing & Sales (fulltime) at the Hanzehogeschool of Groningen.

Graduated in 2009.


05/2018 – 08/2019 - Senior IT recruiter at De Recruiter, Amsterdam.

Responsible for full cycle recruitment both permanent and freelance/interim-positions:

  • Software developers Java, C#, .NET (frontend & backend, fullstack)
  • Devops-engineers
  • Architects (solution)
  • Testers (automation)
  • IT
  • Business / Projecten
  • Finance
  • Business-support
  • Risk & Compliance

01/2018 – 04/2018 - Corporate Recruiter at Translink, Amersfoort.

Responsible for the entire recruitment-strategy and full cycle recruitment both for permanent and freelance/interim-positions. Also the full spectrum within the organization:

I was working at Translink by Talentmapper. Talentmapper is a recruitment-agency with a specialization in inhouse support for companies improving their Talent Acquisition and Talent Pooling-strategy and the effective use of internet and social-media tools for sourcing and recruiting the best candidates in the market.

11/2015 – 01/2017 - IT Recruitment Manager at Eswelt (Vibe Group), Amsterdam.

Responsible for setting up the entire company from the base, specialized on recruitment within the market of ERP/CRM specialists:

  • CRM-system management
  • Team-members selection
  • Marketing
  • Built up the network of candidates and clients
  • Training and daily coaching of recruiters
  • General daily management.

Besides that I was also a hands-on manager recruiting myself.

04/2014 – 10/2015 - IT Development Recruiter at Spilberg Development, Amsterdam (Vibe Group).

Responsible for full cycle recruitment, so both the candidate-side as the client-side of:

  • Java-developers Frontend-developers


Since 2005 I have been active as a life and career-coach besides my recruitment-activities.

The combination of coaching and recruitment is for me a perfect translation of my mission and in both work I can further develop my passion for people and their personal-development.

To sustain my coaching-abilities I have a broad experience of training and courses. Below I summarize the most important.


02/2018 – 03/2018 - Trainer Mindfulness Based Stress-Reduction (MBSR) at Centrum voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam.

Certificate and trained by R. Brandsma and G. Langenberg. Licensed by the Dutch institutions VMBN and VVM.

03/2016 – 03/2016 - NLP Master & Life Coach by Global NLP Training, Amsterdam.

Certified and trained by N. Schneider, licensed by Richard Bandler. Also licensed by the Dutch institutions CBRKO and NRTO.

02/2014 – 02/2014 - NLP Practitioner & Motivational Coach by Global NLP Training, Amsterdam.

Certificate and trained by N. Schneider, licensed by Richard Bandler. Also licensed by the Dutch institutions CBRKO and NRTO.

"It is my mission to support as many people as possible on their path to reach their full potential.

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